Measure form through prepare to try and issue formally, the covariance method of the item analysis and the factor analysis analytical result. 量表经由预试与正式发放、项目分析及因素分析之统计方法分析结果。
So we shall take every factor into consideration and take multi-variable analytical methodology to optimize the whole system in order to prevent the internal crack. 在工艺设计和工艺调整时不能孤立片面地考虑某个因素,而应采取多变量分析方法,力图使整个系统优化,从而减轻内裂现象的出现。
Factor analysis is an analytical method often used in psychology. 哪位高手会用“因素分析法”?指点下。谢。
Spatial data is important component of geographical information system. The quality of spatial data is also important factor to appraise that whether the analytical result of GIS is accurate and reasonable. 空间数据是构成地理信息系统的重要组成部分,空间数据质量更是地理信息系统分析结果是否正确与合理的重要因素。
Application of Factor Analytical Method to Power Industry Statistics 因素分析法在电力工业统计中的应用
The article has analyzed the influence analytical balance accuracy factor, and proposed how enhances the analytical balance the accuracy. 文章分析了影响分析天平准确度的因素,并提出怎么祥提高分析天平的准确度。
Application of Factor Analytical Method in Quality System Evaluation 因素分析方法在质量体系价值评估中的应用
After determining the magnitude of the section factor by the energy method, the analytical results of deformation of beams, including the effect of shear, are given quantitatively. 由能量法确定了截面因子数值之后,定量地给出计入剪力时梁变形的分析结果。
She has made empirical analysis and study using factor analytical method, entropy value method and synthesis ordinal number method, and reached the conclusion of practical worthiness. 运用因子分析法、熵值法、综合序数法等评价方法,进行实证分析和研究,取得了一定的有实际运用价值的结论。
Method: Using single factor analytical method, separate obtain each best of all factorials. 方法:采用单因子分析法,分别获得各因子的最佳发酵条件。
Determination of pipeline risk factor weight by fuzzy analytical hierarchy process 模糊层次分析法确定管线风险因素权重
According to the main factor analytical method, the article has established various porosity logging interpretation models, and created mathematical formula permeability interpretation by means of multiple variable regression method. 本文采用主因子分析法,针对不同岩性建立了不同的孔隙度测井解释模型,运用多元回归法建立了渗透率解释数学关系式。
In this paper, land quality geochemical assessment in Dongting Lake region in Hunan province is carried out by single factor standard, analytical hierarchy process ( AHP), gray related comprehensive evaluation. 本论文利用单因子评价、层次分析综合评价和灰关联综合评价等方法对湖南省洞庭湖地区进行了土地质量地球化学评估。
Factor analysis and analytical chemistry 因子分析与分析化学
Application of The Main Factor Analytical Method in The Determination of Diluvial-Alluvial Fan Reservoir Physical Property Parameter 主因子分析法在确定洪积&冲积扇储层物性参数中的应用
To structure an agricultural growth factor analytical framework, by analysis of China's 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions agricultural product in 2003, focusing on the analysis of information elements of economic growth. 构建影响农业经济增长要素的分析框架,通过对2003年我国31省、直辖市和自治区的农业总产值进行数量分析,分析了各要素对经济增长的贡献,并进行了简单评述。
Some Suggestions on Improve Coefficient Factor of Large-sized Analytical Instruments 提高大型分析仪器利用率的几点意见
In this paper, bearing potential of bridge and its rational use is raised, factor of bearing potential is analysed Resting analytical model is founded. 本文提出了桥梁承载潜力的概念及其合理利用承载潜力的研究方法,分析了承载潜力因素,建立了试验分析模型;
Thoughts on the Analytical Sequence of the Factor Analytical Method 对因素分析法中因素分析顺序的思考
Discuss the model's influential factor and deduce the analytical expression of default probability, default distance and default spread. The in-depth models of structural model including First-passage-approach and Excursion-approach. 首先详细叙述和解释了第一类信用风险模型,即结构化模型,讨论了模型的影响因子,推导出违约概率、违约距离、违约价差的解析表达式。
Multiple Factor Bias Analytical Method for Condenser Performance Monitoring 凝汽器性能监测中的多因素偏差分析方法
Influence and Preventive Solution to Psychological Factor for Analytical Data 心理因素对分析数据的影响及预防措施
Finding the result of Multiplicity of weight of each affect factor by Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP) and optimizing the first-selected supporting scheme by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; 利用层次分析法对各影响因素的权重值进行了求解,运用模糊综合评判方法对初选出的支护方案进行优选;
Selecting some total and average items, the cause of economic differential has been analyzed by means of Factor Analytical Method, which are "economic factor" and "conditional factor". 选取相关总量和均量指标,利用主成份分析方法得出影响我国少数民族经济发展差异的主要原因是经济因子和条件因子。
Target& Index System-Basics of Factor Analytical Theory 指标体系和指数体系是因素分析法的理论基础
The paper introduced the practical formula of computating culvert geometrical factor accurately by space analytical geometric theory. 用空间解析几何理论,考虑路线斜交纵坡、曲率等因素,推导小桥涵尺寸计算公式。
Values, the basis manage level, organization, safe level of production, fuel control level are the inside factor affecting enterprise. According to analytical result, writer have worked out a scheme based on Value Management. 价值观念、基础管理水平、组织机构、安全生产水平、燃料管理水平、营销策略是影响发电企业生产经营的内部因素。
The particle swarm optimization algorithm was described, the basic particle swarm algorithm and the improved versions were elaborated, including the algorithm with inertia weight and the algorithm with shrinkage factor, and the algebraic analysis and analytical analysis were performed. 4. 描述粒子群优化算法,阐述了基本粒子群算法及其改进版本,包括带惯性权重的算法和带收缩因子的算法,并进行了代数分析和解析分析。
We take Chinese-style fiscal decentralization into an important factor that affect the urban-rural income gap in the analytical framework. Second, we make the innovation on the research contents. 本文将中国式财政分权作为一个重要的影响因子纳入分析框架,对我国的城乡居民收入差距的作用机理和影响路径进行了分析;(2)研究内容上的创新。
Peroxide has been used to optimize pretreatment craft through single factor experiments and response surface ( SRM) analytical method. 通过单因素实验和响应面(SRM)分析法优化预处理工艺。